Class: Language and Representation

1) Write an NCIS analysis for the episode - using notes from the screening in class. Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

Narrative: It shows how April now has super power due to her sharing a heart with the shadow king. Her dad appears, but April tries to attack him and scares him away. April is taken home by Ram in his car and then they start to show their "feelings" towards each other, then April's mother catches them in "the act", later on they talk and then Ram leaves. The headteacher and Ms Quill are talking about the flowers, because whenever they cut someone or something then they start to clone, the head teacher makes a deal with Ms Quill, that if she finds out what the cause for them is then they will remove the thing that is controlling Ms Quill. Then it shows that April's father was waiting and trying to keep himself secret, so he ends up going to April's house then he confronts April's mother about April's superpowers, then April shows her super powers in front of her mother and then she is talking about how her father has ruined her life and her mother's life then cuts her dad with the swords, Ram then appears and then he calms April down and stops her from killing her father, she then spares her father and then Charlie, Mattheuz and Tanya appear and see what is going on, April then gives the heart to her mother and then her mother is able to walk again and is out of her wheelchair, then April rips into the space and creates a portal to the shadow realm and then she goes to hunt down the shadow king, Ram jumps into the portal last minute to go along with April.

Character: April, Ram, Tanya, Charlie, Mattheuz, Ms Quill, Head teacher, April's dad, April's mum, Corakinus, Shadow kins, Ram's father.

Iconography:Phones , Cars, Pink petals, soul cabinet, swords, heart

Setting:Shadow realm, April's house, school, classroom.

2) How does Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Try and use the expanded version of Todorov's theory: Equilibrium - Disruption - Recognition - Reparation - New equilibrium.

Equilibrium: April is the co-owner of Corakinus' heart

Disruption: April reveals her superpowers towards her father

Recognition: April's father confronts April's mother about her behaviour

Reparation: April is fighting with Corakinus to survive

New equilibrium: April travels to the shadow realm to defeat the king

3) Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do each of the main characters in Class fit into? Alternatively, you may wish to discuss how characters do not fit Propp's character types. The Heros would be April, Ms Quill, Charlie as they are trying to stop Corakinus, Princess would be April, even though she is a hero she is also the damsel in distress as she is sharing a heart with Corakinus. The villain would be Corakinus, he is the one who is trying to destroy earth and is the aggressor. The Donor is Ms Quill as she is helping charlie and April in their quest.The false hero would be Ram, as he is assumed to be the hero but April is the main hero. The dispatcher would be April's dad as he is the one who informs April's mother about April's powers.

April, Ms Quill, Charlie are the heros, they are trying to defeat the shadow king

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Make specific, detailed reference to the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)
The conversation between Mattheuz and Charile and how they talk about the cabinet of souls. April becoming Aggressive in her history lesson, which shares the personality of Corakinus. The mother regaining the ability to walk, shows the genre of si-fi, making something that may seem impossible possible.
5) What examples of binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How do these create narrative or drama for the audience?
Light vs dark: Planet earth and shadow realm 
Humans vs aliens: Tanya, Mattehuz contrasted to Ms Quill, Charlie and Corakinus
Good vs evil: Heros, dispatchers trying to defeat Corakinus and retrieve April's heart back
Love vs hate:April defending her mother, and attacks her father and then confronts her father


1) How is gender represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted?
I think Gender is subverted as it shows April (female character) as the main character and the main hero, it shows a sense of being a strong individual. 
2) How is age (e.g. teenagers; older people like teachers or parents) represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people?
It is mostly younger people while reinforcing the stereotype of the teenagers and how they use their phones and the subject of school.
3) How is race and ethnicity represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are  stereotypes reinforced or subverted?
There is a diversity of race and ethnicity, it is somewhat reinforced as Ram being Indian and his father and Ram for his passion for football, Tanya being African and her mother telling her about her studies.
4) How is sexuality represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How does this reflect the BBC's remit to represent modern Britain?They have some sort of diversity as they have two homosexual characters; Charlie and Mattheuz so it shows that the BBC is becoming more diverse with more things as people and sexuality evolves.

5) How is disability represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Why are disabled people generally under-represented in the media and how does Class try to address this? It shows that April's mother ,who is also disabled, is in a wheelchair, she also has a regular appearance throughout the series as they may want to seem more diverse with their characters. Disabled characters are not usually shown as they couldn't  do much throughout the series so they are shown rarely.


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