Coursework: Film pitch

 1) What will be the title for your own original NEW horror film? If you're not sure, write down two or three possible titles and you can choose later.

The Rise of the Satan, Satanized, Sataning 

2) Write a tagline for your film – it's effectively a slogan for the movie:

"We all go a little psycho sometimes " 

3) Write a logline – this is like a longer version of the tagline. It's one sentence that sums up the film and hooks the audience in under 25 words: 

Very innocent as of a first impression. But woefully deceiving the second...

4) Write down any existing horror films that are similar to yours ("My film idea is like a cross between Scream and Contagion"): The Invisible Man

5) What is your narrative/storyline? Write a short paragraph that explains what happens in your film:

A underage girl gives birth to a child at the age of 16. Tension is built at the start instantly since the girl needs to keep a secret from her parents. A baby isn't a normal baby. It was sent by Satan into the normal world to conduct some horror. The first few days are normal and suddenly starts terrorizing the family. They tried to call the police but nobody would believe them that a baby is terrorizing them.

6) What is your main character’s name and what happens to them? You can also mention other characters if your wish.  Scarlet - gets threatened by the devil 

7) Who or what will be the villain or threat in your horror movie?  

Satan controlling a baby.

8) What is the name of your film's director? You can use your own name here if you wish.

Bobman Kaviz

9) What costume/make-up/props will you need for your photographs for your website?

Normal everyday clothes like hoodies, T-shirts etc. We will also use fake blood and fake knife.

10) What font/typography/colour you will use to create a brand for your film’s title and branding?  

Sans Serif font and the colour will be red and black.


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